Captured Chaos

Web Design (for beginners)

I have always had an interest in online graphics, web design etc..  and recently I have found some great sites that not only give you an opportunity to learn but  some also provide you with a site to learn on and  wonderful  people with the knowledge and patience to help you along the way.  I hope some of these links will be as helpful to you as they are to me!

First and foremost by far one of my favorite sites that has helped me more than any other is:
you can browse through some of the many boards and topics on this site, or better yet sign-up and begin making your own.
While you're there you must take the time to treat yourself to:
You will be amazed at all the different  subjects  and tricks this Wizard knows.

If your as new to all of this as I  am,  you will be learning  a  whole  new "online language"  to make your web page  turn out just right.  I  found the following link very helpful in figuring out my HTML  from  my CSS  ~smiles~ 

Above all else dont give up... Have fun and ask for help if you need it . There is plenty of opt

Above all else dont give up... Have fun  and ask for help if you  need it .  There is plenty of  options for tutorials etc....


Freebies to help you along

Web Tools

Banners, signatures, etc..

